Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow flake'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow flake'


about 200 centimetres

lobate, tough; bright green at the beginning, then dark red

from July to the end of September

lunghi panicoli bianchi di fiori sterili formati da innumerevoli sepali

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow flake'
The conical inflorescences with multiple sepals have an almost snowy appearance, and pass through a series of colours during their development: from an initial light green to white, white and light pink, then vivid purple and brown. The leaf too is light green at the beginning and later on becomes a beautiful dark red. Since the outside sepals change before the inside ones and the young leaves are often next to the older ones, the plant offers a constant, spectacular mixture and sequence of colours. This is one of the hydrangeas that stand up best to full sunlight; it grows particularly well where a good drainage is ensured.