Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen'

about 250 centimetres

lobate; changes from dark green to vermilion during the autumn

from July to the end of September

slender panicles made up of pure white sterile flowers alternated with cream-coloured fertile ones

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen'
This plant is probably less bright and dazzling than the H. Quercifolia 'Snow Flake', but it is elegant and sophisticated because of its habit of growth and its tapering inflorescences, which are kept well erect by the stiff branches. This hydrangea offers a colour display (from pure white to pink for the sterile flowers, from green to dark red for the leaves) that persists during the winter with the orangy hue of the branches and buds. It is a hardy, vigorous shrub, and stands up both to full sunshine and to full shade.