Hydrangea serrata 'Miyama yae murasaki'

Hydrangea serrata 'Miyama yae murasaki'

about 100 cm

Ovate with dentate margin and acuminate tip

Flowering time

Flower head
irregular lacecap, with central fertile flowers and mainly external sterile flowers, that often appear also in the central part of the head

Hydrangea serrata 'Miyama yae murasaki'
Cultivar of Japanese origin; the name can be translated as follows: "Miyama" = area near Tokyo, "Yae"= double, "Murasaki" = violet. It is very common that the Japanese name of a plant will start with the area in which it was found and then the desciption. In this case, the plant was discovered in the Miyama area of Tokyo around 1950. Lace-cap flower head of nearly 7 cm, with double sterile flowers that become intensely violet in sufficiently acid soil: quite an extraordinary colour. About 1 meter tall, flowering starts in June-July.